Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club


Contact Page
For general enquiries, our club secretary may be
contacted on
07875 488546
Our email address is:----info@llantrisantdivers.com
A full list of all our other committee members is published below.
Club Officers/Committee Members
Peter Rees
01443 203379
Vice President
Martin Sanders
07919 052054
Ray Williams
01495 221551
Vice Chairman
Matthew Goodwill
07920 104322
Fay Kirton
Jeff Canning
02920 892464
Diving Officer
Richard Grice
01443 663538
Training Officer
Paul Gray
07968 124777
Equipment Officer
Phillip Walker
07717 311836
Marine Awareness Officer
Mike Donovan
07875 488546
Entertainment/Fund Raising

Members Pages

A full list of club members and their phone numbers
can be found in the members pages.

To access these Pages:

Please note: A password is required in order to
access the members page.

Members requiring a password should contact the
Diving Officer or email info@llantrisantdivers.com

and one will be sent by return email

Joining us:

In order to join our club or to renew your membership, you will need to fill out an application form and sign a medical declaration form.

Those joining for the first time who have not undergone a previous diving medical will also be required to pass a medical examination with a qualified doctor. This can be arranged through the club or if you prefer, you can use your own G.P.

The application form, a medical declaration form and medical examination form (in .pdf format) can be downloaded from the following links:-


Guidance notes for guests.

1. We do not offer training towards diver accreditation to anyone other than currently paid up members of the Club.

2. Persons considering membership are welcome as guests to the club for up to 6 visits, this gives our training team time to assess your capability to undertake diver training, it will also give you time to decide if you wish to continue with your application. Sub Aqua Association insurance indemnifies guests against third party liability during these six visits.

3. Guests are required to pay a fee, currently £5 per pool session.

4. Under training team guidance guests may be allowed to use training equipment in the swimming pool, after use such equipment must be washed thoroughly with fresh water and replaced in the storage unit.

5. Club equipment cannot be taken, lent or borrowed for use outside of the swimming pool.

6. Annual club fees, currently £165, are due 31st December. Joining members will need to pay an additional one off payment, currently £40, to cover the cost of a log book, training materials and a decompression table.

7. Guests and members under the age of 16 years will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all pool and open water sessions.

8. All guests will be expected to complete a medical declaration before entering the pool.

9. Joining members will be expected to provide their personal or hire dive equipment for use in all open water training.

Saddam and his Camel Boy
(this photo was taken in Hurghada in 1997)
The subjects: Peter Rees (left) & Viv Griffiths (right)
The first and second person to hold the position of club president.
SAA Club 349
SAA Website
Marine Conservation Society
Divernet Magazine
X-RAY MAG is an international dive magazine. It is complimentary and published in pdf-format and distributed worldwide over the internet every other month.
Copyright © 2002 - Llantrisant Sub-Aqua Club. All rights reserved.